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Alumni impressions

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Djumayev Farruh writes...

Assalomu alaykum xurmatli Maneca tashkilotchilari, man Djumayev Farruh 2011 yilda Erasmus Mundus Fondining Meneca Progrmmasi orqali Germaniyaning Berlin shahrida „Berlin texnika Instituti“ da ta’lim oldim.  Maneca Programmasi butun markaziy Osyodan kelgan talabalar ni dunyoviy qarashlarni boyitib, ularning komil inson bo’lib yetishishi va sharq va g’arb mamlakatlarining Ilm-fan tajribalarini urganishda  juda muhum rol o‘ynadi.

Germanyada  o‘qish bilan bir qatorda bu yerning insonlari va ularning uruf-odat, turmush-ta’rzi bilan yaqindan tanishdik. Programma yaxshi o’tishida bir qator shu Projektning Kordinator lari bizaga doimo yo’l-yo’riq kursatib, ko‘pgina ma’naviy dasturlarni tashkil qilishdi. Buning uchun Olga Homakova, Dimitriy va boshqa tashkilotchilarga minatddorchilik bildiraman.  Barcha Maneca Programmasi qatnashchilariga keyingi ishalarida Zafarlar tilab qolaman.

Andrey Yun writes...

Three years ago, I was an ordinary student who was dreaming of good education abroad, nice career path, and bright future ahead. When heard about MANECA project, I thought that was exactly what I needed. I submitted my documents, had an interview with project coordinators, and long weeks of waiting began. It was a sunny day in May when I received a letter from one of the project coordinators. I still remember reading a line in the letter as follows: “Congratulations on being awarded an Erasmus Mundus MANECA scholarship”. That was a great moment! I could not believe I’d go to Berlin soon and make all my dreams come true. However, I didn’t know that the following year would be the time of my life.

I learnt Informatics at Technical University of Berlin. I was amazed by the university at once: its infrastructure, its huge library, experienced teachers and professors, extensive knowledge of the students. I also liked the educational process at TU Berlin. After learning a certain topic, students maintain their knowledge by practical exercises. In my case it was writing a code (sometimes in production environment) and working with high-tech hardware. Practice is part and parcel of the theory at TU Berlin and this idea helps students excel at their study and career development.

Many courses I took required writing scientific papers and preparing presentations on a topic. German students attend a lot to the research work. I remember long days and nights working on my presentations with a number of books taken from the library. It was hard but useful because I learnt a lot on the topics I prepared. Besides, I learnt how to draw up scientific papers and how to present information in front of a big number of people.

Another great thing about TU Berlin is its teachers and professors. All the teachers I met were very modern, professionally skilled people. Every one of them worked on a big production project or scientific research besides teaching activity. I appreciate the fact that the professors can share their real-life experience with students.

During my studies in Berlin, I met many wonderful people. There were more than 30 other MANECA scholars from Central Asia. Soon we all became very good and close friends. We used to celebrate all the holidays and birthdays together. We were one family – MANECA family. I was happy to get to know my friends’ customs, traditions, national food, and national holidays. We used to explore Berlin together, go out to cinemas and parties, and travel in Europe. We laughed together if it was fun and overcame difficult situations together if it was trouble. Surely, we remembered about our major goal – studies.

Our project coordinators made great job to let us feel comfortable abroad. They organized language courses and trainings for us. They helped us to be adapted to life in Berlin and to studies at TU. They made a lot for our cultural development: we visited Bundestag – the German parliament, museums, exhibitions, German national restaurants, and historical and famous places in Berlin. One of my brightest memories is our outing to Der Werbellinsee lake. We boated on the lake, rode bicycles in the forest, played games on the shore, and had perfect time together.

For me spending an academic year in Berlin was great life experience. The whole environment was perfect for making academic success, researching, and self-development. I met the people I can proudly call my best friends. MANECA changed my life. I am thankful to our project coordinators Olga Homakova, Dmitriy Ostroverkhov, and all the people who worked on the project for giving me this opportunity. I am thankful to all my friends from Central Asia for their sincerity, help, support, and happiness they brought to my life. I am sure we all will meet again one day and remember our days in Berlin.